Collège international des traducteurs littéraires

FR – Installé au centre de la ville d’Arles et administré par l’association ATLAS, le CITL se situe dans l’aile ouest de l’ancien Hôtel Dieu, devenu l’espace Van Gogh. Ce cloître, entièrement restauré et rénové, héberge également la médiathèque, les archives municipales, une antenne universitaire ainsi que des salles d’exposition et de conférence.

Avec près de 700 m2 répartis sur deux étages, le CITL est un lieu de vie qui met à la disposition des traducteurs des chambres individuelles et des espaces de convivialité, ainsi qu’une bibliothèque de travail accessible 7j/7 et 24h/24, comptant plus de 20 000 ouvrages en une soixantaine de langues.

EN – Located in the centre of the city of Arles and administered by the ATLAS organisation, the CITL is in the west wing of the former Hôtel Dieu, which is now the Espace Van Gogh. This cloister, completely restored and renovated, also hosts Arles’ multi-media library, the city’s Archives, the branch of a university, and rooms for hosting exhibitions and conferences.

With nearly 700 square meters spread over two floors, the CITL is a dedicated residency space that provides translators with individual rooms as well as a communal area. Residents also have 24/7 access to a working library, which has over 20,000 works in over 60 languages.

Location : Arles, FR

Languages combinations: Français ⇄ all project languages

Residencies and workshops
The Archipelagos project will offer residencies over the next three years for over 100 literary translators throughout Europe. There will also be 10 translation workshops that will bring together over 150 colleagues over the course of the project.

Location : Arles, FR
Languages combinations :   Français ⇄ all project languages

Location: Praha, CZ
Translation Languages: čeština → all project languages

Location: Wojnowice, PL
Languages combinations: polski, українська ⇄ all project languages

Location: София, BG
Languages combinations: български  → all project languages

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